18 October 2006

What happened to journalism?

Hi guys! What a redneck place the BOP is. I’ve been busy writing letters to the local paper, so I’ve decided to share my epistles with you so you can get a flavour.


As a relative newcomer to the Bay of Plenty I was delighted to accept you introductory offer of a month’s free subscription to the Bay of Plenty Times. I thought this would keep me informed about people and events in the community I have chosen to be part of. Imagine my disappointment when I unwrapped Monday’s paper to find that almost the entire front page was dedicated to the fantasies of so-called “super-psychic”, Deb Webber. This item contained nothing newsworthy and was an insult to my intelligence. It reported Webber’s “contact” as factual and her imaginings as real events. The fact that the paper proudly branded this nonsense as an “exclusive” speaks volumes about the gullibility of your senior reporter Katherine Hoby and her editor. The only nod to sanity was buried in a small insert at the bottom right: the investigating officer’s comment that there’s never been a case worldwide where a psychic has led police to a body. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story. What should I look forward to next – exclusive photos of the fairies at the bottom of my garden?

Des Vize

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